Friday, June 27, 2008

The New Chicago Career Connection: Good or Bad?

The new Chicago Career Connection has been up for almost two weeks now, and CAPS has received some feedback about the system, both good and bad. Students like the appearance of the new platform, the ease with which they can sign up for weekly email industry lists, and the prospect of using an easy-to-access, personalized calendar to keep upcoming CAPS events organized. On the other hand, some students have pointed out that the new system appears to have fewer job postings than UChicagoTRAK, or that it’s difficult to find the jobs that are posted.

To help students navigate the new system, CAPS’ staff members have these suggestions:

“When you log into Chicago Career Connection, under the Jobs and Internships tab, you have a choice to choose "" -- use that as a starting point in your job search. The University of Chicago-specific part of the database is re-populating bit by bit as we transition to the new system, and we’ll be adding new job postings throughout the summer and into the fall. In the meantime the jobs central site has many positions currently posted.

If you aren’t finding positions that match what you are interested in, schedule an appointment with CAPS. CAPS staff are available all summer to help with your job search and suggest other resources that you can use.”

If you'd like to schedule an appointment with a CAPS' staff member, call (773) 702 - 7040. If you have suggestions or comments about Chicago Career Connection, post them here.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Chicago Career Connections Replaces UChicagoTRAK

If you've been to in the past week, you've noticed that the link to UChicagoTRAK on the left hand side of the page has been replaced with Chicago Career Connection, CAPS' new job posting and on-campus recruiting site. We're excited to roll out Chicago Career Connection this summer, and we think that students will find the new site more user friendly and easier to use. Just one of the things that we like about Chicago Career Connection - you log in with your CNET ID and password - no need to create a new username for yourself.

What's different about the new system? For one, the sign up for CAPS' weekly email lists is now stored within each students' profile. If you're already signed up for one or more of these lists, you do not need to re-subscribe to them. If you're not signed up, and would like to be, or if you are, and would like to remove yourself, follow these instructions to change your subscription.

CAPS' Email Lists in Chicago Career Connection:

Receive weekly* emails from CAPS regarding opportunities, workshops and resources in the following areas:

Arts, Culture and Non-Profits
Financial Services
General Business
Government/Public Policy
Graduate Student Resources
Science and Technology

To sign up for any of these lists, log into the new Chicago Career Connection on the right side of the page at

Once you are logged into your account, click on the "Profile" tab, on the upper left side of the screen.

Choose the tab for "Academic Information." Using the drop-down list, choose the email lists for which you would like to be signed up. To remove yourself from a list, you can go into the same tab and delete the lists that you do not want to be on any longer.

Please Note: If you have already signed up for an email list during past academic years, you don't need to re-register in Chicago Career Connection.

*Weekly emails are sent during Fall, Winter and Spring quarter. Emails are not sent during Summer quarter.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Article: Top Jobs for Tough Times

The most recent issue of Chicago Magazine is out, and the July cover story is "Top Jobs for Tough Times: 20 Chicago Businesses that are Growing and Hiring."

Of the 20+ organizations highlighted in the article (including Citadel, Google and JP Morgan Chase), CAPS is already working with many of them. We're on the hunt to develop relationships with the other organizations in this article, plus other companies in Chicago and beyond that our students want to work for.

Check out the article on newstands now. Post to our blog to tell us what other organizations we should be connecting you with.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Welcome to the new CAPS blog!

We're excited to introduce the new CAPS blog - this is where we'll post announcements about upcoming programs, events and resources, and you'll post questions, concerns, and suggestions for students and alumni navigating the job, internship and graduate school search process.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Today's update: Starting Thursday, June 5, CAPS will offer extended walk-in hours, from 11am - 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.

If you haven't decided on summer or post-graduation plans, and you'd like to discuss your options, come to the third floor of Ida Noyes Hall and meet with a CAPS staff member.